Heather Lagan

Heather Lagan
Heather Lagan, MCN

Monday, August 23, 2010


This would be the place to have them answered! My name is Heather Lagan and I am a Chaldean Numerologist who has even written a book on the subject. Ask me what you will and I will do my best to answer you. Failing that, have a look at my website for more info or clarification on the meanings of the letters and numbers and how this original system of numerology works.

If everything is energy, what's in YOUR name? More intriguing: what's your Lifepath number: what it is you are supposed to be learning/doing/being while here? It's a fascinating and ancient art that is mystic in tone, spiritual and very accurate...eerily so, sometimes.

For example, two things I have always known about myself are that I once had a tendency to avoid commitments of any kind and that I have always been and always will be interested in the metaphysical side of life. These two things naturally manifested (as a young adult especially) as an aversion to 9 to 5 jobs -- who wanted to work when there were all of these unsolved mysteries floating around??
Once I did my numbers, many things came into focus and made sense, but two things in particular caught my attention.
I imagine that all of you have heard one thing or another about the energies held in the number 13, right? It has a somewhat superstitious overtone -- one of karma, bad luck and even outright evil (the 13th member of a witches' coven is, after all, supposed to be the devil himself)...maybe that is why it has also long been associated with witches and is even called the 'witch's' number.
Well, I have so many of these precious double digits in my name and chart that it pushes the limits of believability. While 'witch' is not a word I would use to describe myself (other than perhaps as a 'white' one), it certainly makes sense when I look at the history of my life to date, which has been all about the unseen and unexplained. My favorite shows when I was a kid were the Twilight Zone, Lost in Space (remember that one?) and Star Trek...all shows about the shadowy and unknown...oh, I forgot Dark Shadows!! Loved that show. Barnabas was just too chill for TV.
The practical meaning of the number 13 can be broken down into two parts: the first is the driving force that the number 1 represents and the second is the physical (and mental) activity of the number 3. Put these together and you have a driving force that can wreak havoc or goodness. Therefore, the number 13 can produce excellent results or highly negative and destructive ones. The use of the power assigned is up to the name holder.
The 13 totals to a 4, which is fundamentally grounded, so the actions (1) taken by virtue of the 3 lead to a base or foundation upon which something is built. Typically, the 4 signifies someone who is responsible, practical, methodical and dedicated to hard work and routine...(think the 4 seasons, 4 directions, 4 winds etc), however, it can also point out the need for these characteristics to manifest.
As mentioned, I had an aversion to work. But who paid the bills? That was one of my main issues; one of my main life lessons: to take responsibility (4) for the self. The other is more of a theme of acceptance: I will always be a metaphysician...that will never change. And it is also part of the reason I am here: to delve into and understand and perhaps even share and teach what is learned along the way...
Does anyone else have numbers that seem to show up over and over in their life?

Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

In case you want to visit...

I forgot to add the address of my site -- it is www.thereadingroom101.com

Chaldean Numerology

Hi there...after reviewing many posts from different sites about the various numerology systems, I decided to offer a place for comments and questions for those interested in the ancient art of Chaldean numerology. Some say this system is not really Chaldean -- my response is that all things adjust to change and incorporate different aspects into their original design -- since this system is originally from Chaldea and its sound/energy format is fundamentally the same as it was thousands of years ago when initially created...it is still Chaldean. Its messages, process of analysis and structure is unique as is its consideration of the energies held in the hieroglyphics of letters...compare results using (for example) the Pythagorean chart and then those arrived at by using the Chaldean one. Chances are very good that the latter will resonate with you more.
Has anyone tried this?
If you have any questions, ask them here or visit my website for further clarification!
Heather Lagan